Friday, February 26, 2010

Tokyo Tower

Well, today I went to three places again. But, one of those places was a revisit to an earlier location. So, in actuality, only two new places today. And, for those who know me all too well, you can probably guess what that earlier location was already. More on that later. LOL

Tokyo Tower was first on the agenda for today. This iconic tower in the heart of Tokyo looks a bit like the Eiffel Tower in design if not in color. It was built in 1958 as a broadcasting tower and is 333m tall. It has two public observation decks; one at the 150m level and another at the 250m level. I was at both levels and at the 250m level, you can really feel the thing sway in the wind. Standing still and leaning against the railing was a bit of a surprise at first because of that. They do close off the 250m observation level if it is too windy, though. Luckily it was not that windy today. They also charge two separate admission fees for each level, but you don't know about the second fee until you are already at the first level. I also felt a bit of vertigo going up to the 250m level as the elevator has glass windows. I was fine when I got to the top. It felt safer than the elevator. Oh, and in case you're wondering. All the observation decks are glass enclosed.

The day started cloudy and fairly warm, but it started to rain by the time I left the tower. By the evening, the temperature had started to fall a bit. It is supposed to drop by at least 10C by tomorrow, at least according to the forecast. I think the nice spring like days of high teens are gone, at least for my remaining time here anyways.

Note: all city pix from the 250m level. And yes, you can see people walking the streets and playing soccer in the green courts in some of those pix. I hate shooting through glass. It degrades optical/image quality. I wish there was a section with bars that allowed a lens to poke through.

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