Sunday, February 20, 2011

C'est Jeune Hotel

The train to Hualien turned out to be just a regular train and not a high speed train as I had originally thought it would be. It didn't matter, though, as the trip itself was fairly quick and on-time as stated on the ticket. It was yet another rainy day. So, some of the views of the countryside were fantastic; low mountains in the near distance with clouds and mist sitting on them and some with highly ornamental and well maintained temples. Such lovely sights to behold. Unfortunately, the train would not stop for pix. Meh!

The hotel that I booked turned out to be a great little hotel. Much better than the one I'm staying at in Taipei. From some of the reviews I read before booking it, there is something a bit different about it that I have never seen before; there's an artists flavor to it with distinctive pieces of artwork scattered throughout the hotel. It was also clean and contemporary. Just the way I like things. As you can see from the pix, it's quite a bit more unique than most hotels I've stayed at. I would definitely stay there again next time. I liked the place. Although, the bed was a bit too soft to my liking. I'm used to hard beds now.

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