Monday, January 18, 2010

Mid January Update

For those who have asked if I am MIA, the answer is sorta yes and sorta no. It's been way too bitterly cold here for the past month and some for me to even entertain the thought of going out to explore and to shoot some pix. I mean, I absolutely LOATH, HATE, DESPISE, CANNOT STAND the cold. And, that's putting it mildly. This is a family friendly blog after all! Plus, only those who cannot communicate effectively with English resort to using expletives on a regular basis. And, there seem to be way too many of those around, too. Meh!

I also just finished a very intense two weeks of teaching WInter Camp. The students were all quite good in their English abilities. So, it felt like I actually taught something for the first time since being here. It was not all smooth sailing, but for the most part, it went well. If only all my students were this good all the time my job would be so much easier. One can dream!

In the meantime, I have this week, and the next month of February also, to sit in an empty school as my contract requires me to be there whether there are students to teach, or not. It'll be time well spent to update all my lessons to PowerPoint, though. I cannot believe how easy it is to use. And, there I was feeling all lost and overwhelmed to the point that I thought I would never be able to learn it fast enough to use when it was first mentioned to me that this is how most lessons should be done. At the time, being fresh off the plane and all, the additional burden of more things piled on top of what was already there clouded my judgement of my abilities. I mean, I learned enough 3ds Max to be able to create ultra-realistic 3D images that surpassed anything that anyone who took a 3-4 year College course could not even do after that. And, that took me three (3) days! Obviously, I only learned the specific skills I needed to do what I wanted to do, but without any instructors what-so-ever and with only a few google searches for specific information is not bad in my opinion. Anyways, PowerPoint it is.

I'm also off to Hong Kong this weekend for a week. My vacation is finally here. WooHoo! I plan to blog every day of my trip. So, plan on seeing more up to date content in a few days time. And, that's it for now.

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