I've been a bit under the weather the for past few days. That sore throat I mentioned earlier turned into a cold with a somewhat stubby and runny node. I guess I pushed myself to do too much in my first week here. I'm taking it much easier now; just a few short walks and a bit of light shopping.
But, I really don't feel all that bad as I've been OD'ing on echinacea ever since the first symptoms. It's really amazing stuff as the onset severity and actual illness seems very much muted. I've stopped using vitamin C as my preferred treatment of choice ever since I discovered that a possible side effect are kidney stones. I don't need those.
Anyways, I'll continue to take it easy and get some more rest for the remainder of my stay here. I've done about all I have the energy to do.
Today was not one of my better days. It seems everywhere I went and everything I wanted to do today would not happen.
I wanted to go to the top of some of the bigger skyscrapers and look over the city for the views and to take some pix. I did the research and found a few that offered such a thing. But, the first place I went to, the International Commerce Center (ICC) building, turned out not to be open to the public. It was only open to tour groups. I left after that.
The second place I went to, the Bank of China building, required ID which I do not carry with me. They would not accept a photocopy of my passport. I left after that, too.
Later, during some after diner shopping, the camera I was looking at, the Panasonic GF-1, was not in stock at the place with the best price. The price is good; as low as the best US clearance prices I've seen thus far. But, it was too late for them to order from their supplier by that time. Tomorrow.
So, all in all, a day where nothing went as planned. Plus, my throat is getting soar. I fear another cold coming on! I need to take it easy, something I've not done since I got here.
Today, I made a return visit to the southern end of Kowloon know as Tsim Sha Tsui. I had a very short time there last year and I wanted to see what I had missed in my rush. Well, as it turned out, I didn't miss much. I really didn't see anything all that new that I hadn't already seen last year. Still, it was nice to see the place again.
Afterwards, I took the Star Ferry across the harbor to Wanchai on Hong Kong island. The trip was very short and very cheap. It was something I had wanted to do. Walking around Wanchai, it was a very old area without the big signs, neon and otherwise, of Kowloon. There was an outdoor market that was very packed with vendors on the narrow streets and very crowded with shoppers. I wasn't in the mood to take pix by this time. I just drank in the atmosphere instead.
Omg! Imagine what if I did that to my ex-boyfriend... watch this awesome music video...
LOL! I don't think I'll ever do that. I'm not THAT violent :P
But when I had my first 'heartbreak', I felt so miserable and kept crying at night. But at least it wasn't the extreme Emo-style miserable where I cut myself, eat chocolates till I weigh a ton or vomit on purpose,...etc, etc,....
And no,.... I did not try to kill the poor fellow.
But come to think of it, I was like what? 13? I was a kid for goodness sake! Its not like my life is over or anything.
Which comes to the topic of this guy named Alvis. Apparently on Facebook, he wrote a suicide note before jumping off his apartment floor to his death last year. The reason of his suicide? His girlfriend broke up with him.
I know this is old news, but its been happening all over the world. Heck, even crazy shits have been happening in my family because of Love. And I don't mean the love among families, I mean the kind of love that keeps you isolated from real life. From the people who truly loves you for who you are.
Although I'm saddened by Alvis's sudden death, I simply cannot sympathise with him. You know why? Because what he did was truly the most selfish thing I've ever seen. Yes, you're broken hearted, but what about the people that loved you and are concerned about you? They don't matter to you? You think this is all about you??
What about your ex-girlfriend? You say this isn't her fault, but you sure are making it look like as if its all her fault. If you truly loved her, you would have moved on to make her happy. But noo! You had to go kill yourself and make her look bad and haunt her memories probably for the rest of her life!
And what about your parents? They'd probably be devastated and broken hearted for a long time and at what cost? So that you'll feel better and no longer feel any pain? Well congratulations! Now everybody is broken hearted because of you.
This is especially happening to teenagers who are involved in relationships. They meet, fall in love and are already thinking of what to name their babies.
Then as soon as one breaks up with the other, there is no future for him/her, there is no reason to live...
What the hell are they talking about!!??
We have practically lived less than a quarter of our lives and as soon as we had a bump on the way, the journey is over? There's no life ahead of us? SCREW YOU!
I want to travel, I want to do outrageous stuff, I want to make it out there and make my name be known to many. I don't wanna be strapped down serving my future husband and kids as soon as I hit 20, I wanna be free for Pete's sake!! ARRGHH!!!
Sometimes, it just amazes me that there are so many teens my age who are such drama Queens =.=
Speaking about looking forward to stuff, I'm finally gonna celebrate my 17th birthday for the first time in 8 years! And this time, its a big party. Yay! Can't wait.
Also, I got invited by Nuffnang to watch Burlesque 10 DAYS before its official screening! DOUBLE YAY!!
And and and, I'll be having my Confirmation this year (its a christian thing) so I gotta pick my new christian middle name. YAY YAY YAY!!!
I've thought of a few names so far is either Anne Marie or Anne Marilyn. What do you think? Any other suggestions?
I'm looking for a saint's name and it has to be two syllables.
And at last! I'm officially on Chinese New year break! Finally!! Happy Holidays everyone!!
I tried to take it easy today. All I mostly did was go to Hong Kong island and wander around the business district where all the very tall office buildings as far as the eye can see are located. It got to the point where it became too difficult to shoot the buildings in any meaningful manner as all you could see would be normal run of the mill buildings. Quite boring, really.