Taken in Serbia by Vladimir Krzalic
This is the kind of dress I would've probably worn if I were 7. Although her estimations of my measurements were pretty close enough, I didn't think it was suitable for the day I've been looking forward to since I first started going to Sunday school (which is a looong time).
And don't get me started on how I look in the dress.
But anyway, I smiled and thanked her for her efforts. Though I was genuinely grateful that aunt J took the time to buy the materials and make the dress, I was still a little disappointed that it wasn't what I expected it to be.
2 days later, mom asked me what did I think of the dress. I didn't say anything but mom knows me so well that before I could even reply, she was like, "A little disappointed, huh?"
Its like the heavens have opened up and I can hear choirs of angels singing 'Hallelujah' my prayers have been answered; my mom DOES have some good fashion sense! And suddenly the day became bright again.
So like... 5 days before my confirmation, my mom explained the situation to aunt J and she agreed to make me a new dress. This time, our way.
3 days before the big day, we went over to see the dress. Other than the fact that the dress was a little shorter than the full-length dress I pictured, it was pretty much OK. It was definitely WAAAY better than the first one. But it needed some alterations because the dress was kinda loose.
And so, a day BEFORE my confirmation day, mom went to pick up the dress. Finally!
So at last, I finally had something to wear on my confirmation day. But the next time another big occasion like, I dunno, a wedding comes up, I'm definitely doing things MY WAY and I'll guarantee that I'll have the dress ready within at least 3 months before the BIG day. Not the day before it.
And I'd definitely rent the dress. I'm not sure if I can trust people to make me a dress at the moment...
Oh yeah! Check out the nail art I created for that special day.
With my Godparents and parents at the altar.
So after the ceremony had ended, I am now officially Anne Cassandra Wong Synpuhn! Whee! I have a middle name :D
So lets celebrate with ice cream yam cake!!!
Now you know... that I want a yukata!!!
When I first got there, I was so damn jealous seeing all these girls wearing their gorgeous yukata. But some girls who were wearing short yukatas in an... erm... inappropriate way, yeah,... they look like hookers. Especially with their falsies and super thick eyeliner...
I dared Melissa to pose with this sleepy guy there by going NEXT to him. Not stand so far away from him. Chicken...
Some of the girls in our group thought the drummer boys there were kinda hot. For me, they look pretty average. Maybe its their uniforms that boosted their sex appeal. I dunno...
But we did try to look out for some hotties around the place, you know, for... research? But at the end of the event, frankly I have to say that I'm disappointed. Out of... what? 2000 people at the event, I only found one hottie. ONE!
Like wtf Malaysia? Our guys aren't beautiful enough man! I dunno much about the guy's opinion of the Malaysian girls, but still!
That one handsome guy I spotted at the event was tall, fair, good looking and he has biceps! Huge biceps! Plus, he's a chinese! How many buff chinese guys do you get to see in a lifetime? Hardly. Other than Bruce Lee of course.
The rest of our group arrived. Check out Harue and Loo Yee in their pretty yukatas! Gorgeous!
You see lah. These girls are already preying on little girls in yukatas. Paedophiles...
OK, this is the fun part of the event. Everybody has to make rows of circles around the stage and dance by following the moves of the people on the stage. Its really fun and easy because everybody's doing it and you won't look dumb trying to do your own 'cool' dance moves when you actually look like a dork.
Trust me, I've been there...
Put your hands in the air, and wave it like you just don't care! Yeah!!