Monday, June 20, 2011

Jackie's Kitchen Noodles & DimSum Revisited

I'm a creature of habit. So, I like to go back to places that I have found to my liking. Of course, some people are even worse than I am when it comes to this sort of behavior, too. But, I digress. Thus, Jackie's Kitchen Noodle & DimSum was revisited last Saturday.

Ironically, my friend and I ordered almost exactly the same things to eat as last time (May, 2011) save for one item (Har Gow) that I didn't want to end up eating all by myself (my friend does not like seafood) and getting too stuffed in the process. So, for a review of the food itself, please go and see the May, 2011, entry for this restaurant. It is exactly the same.

While we were there, though, some cute little ones came out to try the food as well. You can see them on the table wandering about amongst all the food. Although, they seem to have gotten to dessert before eating the main courses. That's little ones for you! LOL

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