Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. La tierra vista desde una Tuba. [The Earth from a tuba]. Taken by i35mmporvida
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Visual sonoro
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. La tierra vista desde una Tuba. [The Earth from a tuba]. Taken by i35mmporvida
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wedding Photo on the Shek O Headlands, Hong Kong. I went there for ocean shots and lo and behold a wedding party! What luck! Taken by ROSS HONG KONG
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Step Aside Rebecca B!
Right? Right? Her voice is amazing! With a little polishing up, she could be as good as Charice!
Help recognize her talent and lets make her famous. After all, I think she is definitely worth it!
The Garden

"We have grown a small garden from seeds. We will be building a larger container so we can ditch the black pots soon :)". Taken by Martine
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Women at the Wall
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday Shopping And Eats

Random Readup #12
Ok, so last Thursday was probably the LONGEST day of my life! It was the day I had to go for a... wait for it... a chess tournament.

I told you this post is gonna be random!
As for dad, he said I was gonna lose. Thanks mom and dad! I feel a whole lot confident now!
In the end, I won 2 rounds. Out of 7.
We have to go against different opponents every round. Out of all 7 opponents I've faced, there was only one opponent I will remember for quite a while. And its not because her skills were extremely good or extremely bad, no.
It was her handshake.
I don't know if that is even possible, but her handshake is the grosses handshake I've ever come across! Like, the first thing that popped in my mind when I first shook her hands before the game was 'Eww...'.
I'm not sure how to describe it, but holding her hand was like holding a dead fish. Her hands were cold even on a hot day, they're small and soft. Too soft. Like a tofu. And her hands were wet. Cold and wet. Eww.
Most people I shook hands with were firm and warm. Even if its slightly damp, its still warm and firm. Shaking her hands was like shaking hands with a corpse or something like that.
After I shook her hands, I had to restrain myself from wiping my hands on my pinafore in front of her.
We came back from the tournament in the evening waay after our normal school hours. After that, I had to go for Kumon classes.
Yes, another interesting fact. I do take Kumon classes for maths. Its really hard, ok?

I'm currently doing Trigonometry, finding out the maxima and minimas of the given equations and graphs. It was so hard that I was the last student to leave and I was stuck with the math teacher sitting right next to me!
I was not used to this teacher (Mr. N) because he's new and my old teacher quit because of her church activities. But because I really didn't know how to do my work, I had to give him a chance. So far he's quite alright.
The only problem I have is that everytime he gets confused, he tends to stick his tongue out and wags it left and right. Which I found rather distracting and... disturbing.
By the time I was done, it was nearly midnight and the place was closing. Just as I was heading out, the 'boss' of the Kumon centre asked Mr. N if he was teaching Add maths and he said yes. Then she told him that she's looking for an add maths teacher for her daughter and so was I (for me) because my mom told her.
I didn't know what he said later because after that, I hurried out of the place. Untill now, I'm not sure why did I do that. Its not that I don't like this teacher, I think he's quite alright. I just dashed out before I could hear his reply.
But enough of my babbling.
HAPPY EASTER DAY my dear readers!! Jesus has risen from the dead and we must celebrate!! Here's my nail art for the occasion.
I was wearing clear nail polish to school to day to create this design quickly before mass. Luckily, nobody noticed. Hahaha!!
Flying Fox

Name- Pteropus dasymallus, threatened species. Fruit bat in cherry blossum - Kin-okinawa, Japan. Taken by Okinawa Nature Photography
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The "Package"

A couple giving their son the first holy bath in the Sacred tank of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India Taken by Claude Renault (Away).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Castle Tel Haar
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Street Life
Monday, April 18, 2011
slow motion

"This shot was taken in the capitol hill area, several fountains with dozens of birds drinking from them. Austin, Texas". Taken by Dave_B_
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Family Grows!