Monday, July 27, 2009

End Of A Decade

Nothing lasts forever. And, this is especially true when it comes to websites and web based services. I have had a personal website for my fine art photography for almost a decade. And, with the financial meltdown of Q4, 2008, the domain that I was using to host my website had decided to close its free services. As I do not make any money from my fine art photography, I have decided not to continue with a personal website as a paid venue.

I have instead put together a little retrospective of the best of my works over the years based on the images I offered for sale at my art shows over the years. As I considered these to have been my best works, I believe they still represent the best of my abilities in fine art photography. As a website, content is important and, perhaps, not everything was really worthy of being put up there for display. So, of the hundreds of images that were there, these represent the cream of the crop. It is my photographic legacy up to this point. Now, with my upcoming move to South Korea, there will be more worthy photographic images to come. And, some of them will show up here in my blog in a more casual, less formal, capacity.

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