Like all my other girls, Reimu had a custom set of PJ's made especially for her, too. They arrived while I was away on vacation in Tokyo and were waiting at my school when I got back to work. I got home later that day and was handing her stuff from the package as she waited patiently for me to do so.

She seems quite happy looking at everything.

Here is a very nice card from Anne, the seamstress who made Reimu's PJ's.

And, with a very nice letter, too.

Ta da! Reimu's new PJ's!

After Reimu got changed, it was time for another PJ fashion shoot. Here she is on the catwalk. Isn't she cute!

The new PJ's are just adorable and Reimu looks so cute in them. Awwwwww!

After Reimu's PJ fashion shoot, it was time to get all the girls together in their PJ's and have a proper family portrait done. Here are all my girls in their PJ's.








And finally, the entire family once more.
This will be my last post with the girls for an indefinite period of time. It has been a crazy week since I got back from vacation as I spent every day packing to go back to Canada. Everything is finally done except for the last two suitcases of my own personal clothes and stuff. I leave a week today after my last week of work.
All my girls are going into storage and will not be coming back out until I find a permanent home. I also need a new job, too. All this will take some time to accomplish. I will miss my girls in the interim. But, it is just too difficult to keep taking them out and to keep packing them up all the time.
As you can no doubt tell from the above, I did not end up getting that job I interviewed for while in Tokyo on vacation. That's just the way the egg rolls!