It's been a while since I updated my blog. And, for good reason. I've been sick. I've actually been quite lucky with illnesses since getting here; I lasted at least six months before anything major happened. Sure, there have been the minor little things I usually get. But, nothing debilitating at all. At least not until now.
I think my first real illness came sometime in late February. It was a 48 hour flu bug of some sorts. I went to the doctor and was given some meds and things just ended as abruptly as they began a few days prior. No lingering affects that I was aware of. The most annoying aspect of it being not allowed to stay home and rest as the school would not allow it for more than one day. I mean, c'mon, what good am I in a half dead state to them anyways? And, there were not even any classes in session at the time as it was winter break. But, no, I had to be in there seat warming as my contract states only so and so many days off for such and such a reason. There is no logic in this!
Fast forward to the next month. I was sick for exactly two weeks in March with a mild cold. It was not at all bad with very mild symptoms. I OD'd on vitamin C as usual (3 grams every 3-4 waking hours) and it went away with very little suffering. Then, I had exactly another two weeks of good health again until the present cold hit.
Man! This one is a killer. I saw the doctor three times within a two and a half week time span. The third time he sent me to an ENT specialist. The ENT doc's meds worked the best so far. This so-called "common cold" (per doc's diagnosis) is one of the worst colds I have ever had. I spent three days at home in bed initially even though I dragged myself into the school to show them that I was really sick on day two. I could have spent the entire week in bed and wish I had. But, again, the school does not allow that sort of thing it seems. Getting any time off for legitimate illnesses seems impossible. So, I am working every day and making everyone else sick. I lost my voice for almost two weeks and am still hacking away every morning, afternoon, and night.
Update (May 17, 2010):
Update (May 17, 2010):
I'm now back to "normal" again, but it took over 6 weeks!
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