As it was Saturday, my cousins Angelyne and Samuel are free from school so we spent the whole day at the beach!
It was a cold windy day with less sunshine but at least there wasn't any sun (which can be really hot, I'm telling you). We also planned to climb the mountains, but, we didn't have enough time however.
We drove for about 25 minutes to Geelong where we visited our first beach. There is even a helicopter ride, but it was soo damn expensive, including a weight limit!
Oh yeah! While we were playing by the beach, there was this cute little dog that came by.
There are so many rock formations and there was these 12 rocks in which they call the 12 apostles. Well, now its 10 apostles because the other 2 rocks went down...
Yeah, I know, I don't know where are the 12 apostles either....
Not long after that, we changed into a fresh set of clothes and set off to anothher side of the beach. On the way, I noticed a lot of trailers and tents about in an area for campers. I wish I could do something like that someday, it seems pretty exciting!
This time, we were looking for a place to go fishing and spotted this river.
Unfortunately though, the tide was low that day so we didn't get the chance to go fishing after all. Meanwhile, that dog kept following us about. I wonder if he's a stray. But then again, it is quite rare to see a stray dog in Australia. When we were about to head back to the car, the dog jumped into the mud and jumped out of it and ran towards Daniel and Samuel with all 4 mud boots!
Eventually, Samuel escaped leaving Daniel and the dog. The dog looked as if he was about to leap on Daniel with his muddy paws and started chasing him about round the car! Daniel ran along with the others to the car and jumped in like as if a giant man eating monster was about to get him. He was so much in a hurry that he dropped his slippers on the way and I was still outside and he went like "ANNE! Get my slippers! My slippers!!!! AHHHH!!"
The beach all around is beautiful and scenic. The cool salty air and the warm sun was the perfect combination to the scene.
We spent the whole day at the beach and had a marvellous day. In the evening, we drove back to Geelong for dinner. Initially, we went to a chinese restaurant to eat but, there wasn't enough of seats for us. We walked around town cold and hungry until we saw a Thai restaurant. By that time, we didn't care about what kind of food should we eat; we were so hungry that anything will do. Boy, were we so grateful that there wasn't enough of seats at the previous restaurant! The food was just plain DELICIOUS!
The curry was good, the Tom Yam was excellent and everything else was quite above average! We really enjoyed dinner that time! Sometimes, it just comes to show that you should never kick the donkey, for something better may come your way instead.
By the time we've ate our fill, it was already dark and we took a walk to the beach where we started off in the first place. During that time, there was a christmas concert going on with live bands and great singers! There were lights everywhere; red and green, a very christmasy colour!
On the way to the concert however, there was a woman who didn't seem to be in the christmas mood. From about 2 metres away, I can hear her screaming at the top of her lungs about her relationship problems with this guy. She been shouting about it so much, that I can even make out the story behind all that drama.
In my opinion, I'm not surprised why the guy dumped her; check out her temper! Any man would be crazy to have such a bad-tempered wife like that. A normal girl would probably cry (at least that's what I'd do) but this woman looked as if she could kill anybody at her sight! Scary...
A friend then tried to calm her down and she was like, "OH F**K OFF!!!"
But forget about the whole drama, its just like TV. The place was decorated beautifully and everyone was in a good mood (except for the crazy woman, of course)! The celebration ended with fireworks and everybody enjoyed it immensely!
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