Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Incheon Global Fair and Festival 2009 Part I

Last week on wednesday was a school field trip to the Incheon Global Fair and Festival. I went along with most of the other teachers at my school with the students. We all basically split up and did our own thing after getting there. I was a bit disappointed at the event as it did not quite live up to all the hype I had read about prior to going. But, it was still an enjoyable, if tiring, day none-the-less.

Perhaps the highlights of my day were at the very beginning and at the very end of the day. The first exhibition I saw was a Teddy Bear pavilion with themed displays of Teddy Bears from all over the world. And, the last exhibit I saw was a Tomorrow City building that is amazing in its architecture. I will post separate entires for all the highlights as it would be a very long post and take me forever to do otherwise. Plus, my internet connection at home is a bit spotty right now. I don't trust it.

I'll start off with the Teddy Bears. They were very cute!

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