Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Random Readup #6
I've got most of my exam results so far except Physics and P. Moral. I'm telling you, my exams results are soo teruk, especially my BM. All I can say is when I saw the results was Ouch!
Not surprisingly, I got the highest score for English, again. Sometimes, I really do get bored getting the highest score in class again and again. I want a challenge. Someone who's really at my tail and keeps me getting all fired up.
Yes siree, those were the good ol' days!
I was hoping to get the top score for Add Maths as it was one of my favorite subjects ever. But, I got second place *sigh*
At least there wasn't much competition, most of my classmates didn't do so well. So sad...
Oh yeah, and I had a fever since last Monday so I didn't go to school. Thank God! I had to take an Oral exam for English and Malay! So I made myself as sick as possible to avoid school until Wednesday, when we have no English and Malay subjects for the rest of the week.
Easter is coming soon. After what I did, I really need to go to confession now :S
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Holiday Summary
Check out mine and Sam's new jacket, we got it for our birthday :D
The guys have the same jacket except its black. Thus forming our jacket group XD
During that time, we even had the guts to take a dumb picture like this :
Nothing much happened after that, so, I'll just list out the rest of the stuff I did during the holidays.
we watched Alice in Wonderland in 3D!
Went to Leisure Mall to get mom's new phone.
Went ice skating with my cousins! Yay!
Finally went back to Karate class. Too bad I missed my would-be first international tournament *sigh*
How was your holiday? :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Costco Pizza

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Vietnamese Food

I Love Food!
An Impromptu Korean Wedding
Friday, March 12, 2010
My Sweet 16th Birthday
Don't be fooled by this picture, I totally suck at this; I only made the target once and after that, its arrows everywhere!
Once we were done with that, we went dirt biking (at least, that's what I think its called)!
As the guys started their engines, my brother Daniel got too excited and he pressed the accelerator too hard and went on top of somebody! HaHAhAHA!!
Heehee! We look like the lunch ladies from a cafeteria.
After a while, Jon came back alone. He said that his legs went soft and basically, he was too scared to continue. So, I hired him as our photographer while I'm gone dirt biking.
And finally, my friend, Roann.
And I went like, "Aww... really?"
Then came the best part; the Flying fox!
Well, that's all folks! We had the best of times and this would be the best birthday ever!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Happy Sweet Sixteen!!
So thank you everybody! I feel truly blessed to have such wonderful friends like you :D
Initially, for my 16th birthday, I wanted to throw a birthday party which I haven't had one ever since I was 9 years old. Unfortunately, for us christians, we are going through the season of lent in which we aren't allowed to have parties or celebrations whatsoever.
So, I decided that since I couldn't do that, I might as well do something that I've always wanted to do....
Its late now, but I'll be sure to keep you posted on what I did for my sweet 16th birthday.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Parting Thoughts
Monday, March 1, 2010
Milestone of Independance
Before that, it never occured to me that I've done many things most kids my age don't do; I have snorkelled among sharks, became a scuba diver, traveled by airplane without an adult, gone rock climbing, been parasailing, became a young journalist, and many more! I've done so many things, yet, I can't take the public bus?
Recently, the fact that I have not been on a public bus bothered me for quite sometime as I'm turning 16 this friday and all this time, my parents were my only transport. Not anymore!
After I finished my extra classes, I headed straight for the bus stop in front of my school. As I waited for the bus to arrive, I began to have second thoughts; what if I don't make it? What if I went to the wrong place instead? What am I supposed to do anyway?
All these thoughts swirlled in my mind and I began to feel nervous. Its hard to do something you've never done before especially being all alone without anybody to guide you. 10 minutes later, a bus arrived and the rest of the students began to board the bus. There's no turning back now. Its now or never.
I was the last one to enter the bus. I learned that my trip only takes 50 cents which is cheap. Lucky for me, I met a friend who was taking the public bus too. As the bus began to move, I quickly learned what is there to know about the public bus. It never occured to me that you can stop the bus anytime by pushing the red button located at the rails.
The bus went past my house and straight for the next bus stop. When we've finally reached there, everybody went for the bus exchange while I walked the rest of the way back home. Thank goodness my house is less than a 5 minute walk!
Mom was surprised to see me back early and all alone. She didn't believe me when I first told her that I took the public bus in the beggining. But, she believed me in the end.
I'm so proud that I can do things on my own without guidance. This is another milestone towards my journey of independance :)