Chained Fury

As is the usual case with my life, there is always a balance to it. One day brings some good news and another day brings some bad news. In this case, the government audit of my 2006 tax return has finally come to a conclusion and the news is not good. A government registered tax shelter that I had bought for that taxation year has been disallowed by the auditors. That means I have to pay back the tax refund they originally gave me at that time; somewhere to the nice tune of $6000-$7000. To say that I am a bit put off by this would be a bit of an understatement. I mean, why is it that the tax shelter is government registered, and this is the ONLY way that it is allowed to be claimed for tax purposes, and then suddenly not allowed? All I can say, and in doing so I will avoid the use of profanity, is that they are so greedy in their parasitic and bloodsucking ways that allowing it would cost them too much money as too many people have now been using it. Plain and simple as that. With an effective taxation rate of 60%-70% (that's right, add it up and you will see that I am not making these figures up), what is left after it all for anything approaching a "normal" life here? Nothing! Continue to rape the people of everything they have and eventually society collapses. And, this country is well on its way to that end. Serves them right. Bastards!